Antufen Seeds

Our History

Antufen Seeds is a Chilean company with more than 40 years of experience in seed production.

We produce and multiply horticultural varieties for leading companies in the research, cultivation and production of horticultural seeds around the world.

Our production services satisfy a wide range of needs, from hand pollinations to large pollinations in open field crops, including basic seed, increments, genetic purity trials, disease and resistance monitoring, flowering trials, etc.

We pride ourselves on our high production standards and the excellence of the final products, which are in line with the latest quality requirements for seeds in the most demanding markets.


Provide an excellent service in seed multiplication to the most important seed producing companies in the world, for which we have a specialized professional team that provides high-level technical assistance to a network of experienced farmers strategically located in the best agricultural areas of Chile for each species.


To be a globally recognized company, with a significant presence in the southern hemisphere, a leader in quality, production and service. A company with sustained profitability, which, together with its own growth, contributes to the development and fulfillment of its clients, workers and farmers.

Antufen Seeds

Leaders in the industry

The high commitment and experience of our entire production and administration team, our commitment to building knowledge, as well as the constant investment in new technologies and well-being for our workers, allow us to be leaders in the seed production business in Chile.

Get to know our facilities

High quality standards, security in compliance with the required kilos and the agreed dates, as well as timely communication and absolute confidentiality and protection of the genetic material delivered, are among the satisfaction commitments to our clients.


Sustainable Approach

Our approach focuses on responsible innovation, the conservation of natural resources and supporting environmentally friendly agricultural practices. We work closely with farmers and partners to ensure that our seeds contribute to sustainable development and the well-being of future generations.

We strive to develop and provide high quality seeds that promote agricultural sustainability


We strive to generate products and services of the highest quality in the world market.


To relate honestly with our clients, farmers, suppliers, employees and social environment.


Generate an environment of respect and dignity for our workers and environment, recognizing for example religious and cultural differences existing, in addition to recognizing the contribution of our human resources to the company development.


Caring about the environment, carrying out our activities ensuring long-term sustainability, complying with the current regulations and good practices.

Prevention of occupational risks

Comply with current regulations regarding risk prevention, safety, and occupational health, in order to worry about the health of our workers.


Guarantee acting ethically in each of our actions, preserving strict compliance with all legal regulations that apply to us.

Our team

Sergio Gajardo
Position: Director.

Nicolas Gajardo
Position: General Manager.

Francisco Ramírez
Position: Production Manager.

Gabriel Corral
Position: Head of Organic Program.

Gaston Shertzer
Position: Head of the home farm Program.

Victor Reyes
Position: Head of the Brasicas Program.

Manuel Prieto
Position: Head of the Paprika and Tomato Program.

Francisco Ramirez
Position: Head of Cucurbit Program.

Peter Stefanowsky
Position: Head of Laboratory, Process and R&D.

Freddy Toledo
Position: Administration Manager.

Omar Rojas
Position: Finance Manager.

Antufen Seeds is a Chilean company with more than 40 years of experience in seed production.



+56 2 2329 2700
Joaquín Rodríguez 7267,
Macul, Santiago