Producimos y multiplicamos variedades hortícolas para las empresas líderes en la investigación, cultivo y producción de semillas hortícolas en todo el mundo.
The Pichidegua Branch is located 100 miles south of Santiago. Different species of vegetables are produced there. Additionally, this branch is home to our largest seed processing manufacturing facility.
Address: Plot 11-12 Santa Elisa and San Pedro S/N, Pichidegua – Cachapoal.
Servicio:Seed Production.Start Year:2011Area:1.200 m2Location:Los Romos, Pichidegua, Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins
Antufen Seeds
Explore our Fields
Antufen Seeds has its own fields, strategically located in the best agricultural areas of the country for each species.