
Quillota The Quillota Branch is located 77 miles north of Santiago. Service: Brassica seed productions Ubicación: Quillota, Valparaíso. Antufén Seeds Explore our Fields Antufen Seeds has its own farms, strategically located in the best agricultural areas of the country for each species. Sagrada Familia Pichidegua Maria Pinto Chiñigue

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Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia The Sagrada Familia Branch is located 134 miles south of Santiago, where Cucurbitaceae production is carried out. Additionally, in this branch there is a seed pre-cleaning and washing plant.   Service: Curcubitaceae seed production. Location: Parcela Nº16 lote 3 y 4, sector colín, comuna de Sagrada Familia- Curicó,

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Maria Pinto

Maria Pinto The María Pinto Branch is located 44 miles west of Santiago, where Organic Vegetable production is carried out, certified according to European regulations. Service: Organic Vegetable Production. Location: Fundo Los Rulos, María Pinto – Melipilla. Antufen Seeds Explore our Fields Antufen Seeds has its own farms, strategically located

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Antufen Seeds is a Chilean company with more than 40 years of experience in seed production.



+56 2 2329 2700
Joaquín Rodríguez 7267,
Macul, Santiago