Antufen Seeds


Our laboratory is located in the commune of Pichidegua, 100 miles south of Santiago. There, germination, physical purity, weed detection, and pathology analyzes are carried out to ensure a final product that meets the genetic and phytosanitary quality requirements requested by our clients. For this, we maintain fully equipped facilities in order to verify the quality of our product through germination tests, physical purity and phytopathological analysis.

Address:  Plot 11-12 Santa Elisa and San Pedro S/N, Pichidegua – Cachapoal.


Department of Pathology

Our pathology staff puts their efforts into the different stages within the production process. In this way, analyzes are carried out on the basic seed, periodic sampling of our seedbeds, and sampling of our hybrid seed to verify the absence of diseases. Our highly specialized staff and available laboratory equipment allow us to detect viruses, bacteria and fungi, focusing mainly on seed-borne diseases.

In this way we have differential and semi-selective culture media for the detection of fungi and bacteria, serological tests (Immunostrips and ELISA) for the determination of viruses and some bacteria, and molecular analyzes (PCR) for some bacteria and viruses. All this is complemented with hypersensitivity and pathogenicity tests carried out in differential hosts. All our seed analyzes are carried out according to ISTA protocols.


Germination and Physical Purity

Todos los lotes de semillas son testeados para germinación y pureza física. Las pruebas se realizan de acuerdo a los protocolos ISTA, así como también según las normas y métodos AOSA.

Antufen Seeds is a Chilean company with more than 40 years of experience in seed production.



+56 2 2329 2700
Joaquín Rodríguez 7267,
Macul, Santiago